############################################################################ # REOBack - CHANGES # $Id: CHANGES,v 1.5 2002/03/23 14:47:45 techno91 Exp $ ############################################################################ # # REOBack Simple Backup Solution # http://sourceforge.net/projects/reoback/ # # Copyright (c) 2001 Randy Oyarzabal (techno91@users.sourceforge.net) # # Other developers and contributors: # Richard Griswold (griswold@users.sourceforge.net) # Nate Steffenhagen (frankspikoli@users.sourceforge.net) # ############################################################################ March 23 2002: Version 1.0 Release 3 ================================= - Fixed problem when backing up "/" (root dir). - Fixed "rename" code to use "move" to work across filesystems. - Fixed the directory permissions problem when restoring backups. - Changed tar parameters from "cpfz" to "-cpzf" for compatability with other flavors of UNIX i.e. AIX. - Check if Net::FTP is installed when doing an FTP remote backup, * Fixes bug 463642 - Automatically create directories from settings.conf if they do not exist. Parent directories are created if necessary. * First half of fix for bug 482380 - Better error checking and reporting. * Second half of fix for bug 482380 - Removes large (>2GB) archives, even if Perl does not have large file support. This relies on the tar command having large file support enabled, but both the file system and the tar command have to have large file support to create a file larger than 2GB. * Fixes bug 521843 - Skip removing comments for FTP passwords. REOBack will now treat everything after 'ftppasswd = ' as a password, except for leading and trailing whitespace. For example, for the line 'ftppasswd = my##password ', REOBack will extract 'my##password' as the FTP password. * Fixes bug 506178 - Correctly handle the case where there are no files to skip. - Fixed a bug with checking for the last modification time for symbolic links. - Perl regular expressions (wild cards) for Skip: directives. For example, to skip all files and directories in your home directory that start with a dot, you can use: Skip: /home/myself/\..* Wondering what '\..*' does? The leading backslash, '/', tells REOBack (actually Perl) to treat the next dot, '.', as a literal dot. The third dot tells Perl to match any character, and the asterisk, '*', tells Perl to perform the match zero or more times. - Suppress "Removing leading `/'" message from tar. - Prints correct backup type. - Prints version each time it is run. - Creates fewer temporary files. - General code streamlining and cleanup. August 20 2001: Version 1.0 Release 2 ================================= - Added a check before using Net::FTP to prevent errors. August 19 2001: Version 1.0 ================================= - Initial public release. - Configuration file is now passed as a parameter to reoback.pl. This way it can be used dynamically by many users on one system. - Added functionality to define individual archives by defining them in a central location. i.e. files.cfg. See documentation on formatting. - Depreciated support for individual MySQL and PostGreSQL backups. All backups are now defined in a user supplied file like "files.cfg". - Allowed for a more flexible and simpler backup files list - Required use of parameter on the main program file (for future use)